DMM Development Ahead of the Future

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Teams and companies of which I have participated

My Recent Work

Some of my personal projects, made as a hobby or for studying.

Web Development Study

This project consists in centralizing all study notes, examples and ideas in one web project.

First Portfolio

First website and project I built.

Portfolio 2.0

This is a second version of my portfolio.

Course Projects

Projects made through courses, with study notes.

Natours Project

An exciting project developed through an Advanced CSS Course.

Forkify Project

A project for searching recipes, being developed using assynchronous JS.


An old Spotify design, taught how to be recreated at an Udemy course for educational purposes.

Asynchronous JavaScript

Working with Asynchronous JS, without frameworks.

Asynchronous JavaScript with jQuery

Working with Asynchronous JS, using jQuery.

Animation Projects

Applying animation to projects.

Pig Game

A game developed with JS. If both dices are at value 1, it's the next player's turn!

Calculator made with PHP

A simple calculator made with PHP.

Twitter Clone

An old Twitter design, taught how to be recreated at an Udemy course for educational purposes.