Hypertext Transfer Protocol

    Resumo/Informações HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
    • Identifying Resources on the Web
    • Based on the Request/Response protocol.
      1) Cliente abre uma conexão com o servidor.
      2) Cliente envia HTTP request sobre um recurso.
      3) O servidor envia uma resposta HTTP para o cliente (com o recurso).
      4) O cliente fecha a conexão com o servidor.
      5) Caso o recurso não é encontrado um erro ocorre.

    • URN: Uniform Resource Name
    •   * Uniquely identifies resourse or name of resource.
        * Does not tell us how to get the resourse.
        Ex: HTML/CSS/javascript/Web Developers/Yaakov/Chaikin seria um link único utilizado pelo Coursera para identificar esse curso dentro do site.

    • URI: Uniform Resource Identifier
    •   * Uniquely identifies resource or location of resource.
        * Does not necessarily tell us how to get the resource.
        Ex: /official_web_site/index.html - this url alone doesn't say where you can find this.

    • URL: Uniform Resource Locator
    •  * Form of URI that provides info on how to get resource.

       * URN & URI: uniforms a resource identification, but does not provides its location.
       * URL: provides a identification that directly sends you to the location of the resource.

        1. Client connects with the server of
        2. The HTTP gets in action, being the comunication language between the client and server.

      HTTP Methods
    • Request Stucture
    • GET:
        * Retrieves the resource.
        * Data is passed to server as part of the URI. Passa a data para o server como parte da URL.
      Ex: GET / index.html?firstName=Diego HTTP/1.1
      Get: method
      index.html: URI String
      ?firstName=Diego: Query String (name/value pairs separeted by & examble: ?first=Diego&last=M.)
      HTTP/1.1: HTTP Version

        * Sends data to server to be processed.
        * Data is sent in the message body. Envia dados como parte da mensagem no body.
      Ex: POST / index.html HTTP/1.1
      Host:       \ Request
      Accept-Charset: utf-8 / Headers
      firstName=Diego...      - Message body starts here

    • Response Stucture
    • HTTP/1.1 - HTTP Version
      200 - Response status code
      OK - English phrase describing status code
      Content-Type: text/html
      HTML content here - Aqui pode ser jSon, entre outros.

    • Examples: Response Status Codes - STATUS
    • * 200 OK - OK, here is the content you requested. :)
      * 404 NOT FOUND - Server can't find the resource requested.
      * 403 FORBIDDEN - Unauthenticated client tried to access a secure resource.
      * 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - Some unhandled error was raised on the server.

      Onreadystatechange: allows an event to happen at every state change. Permite disparar um evento a cada mudança de status (abaixo).

      readyState - STATES
      0 - UNSENT - Object not initiated, open() method still wasn't called.
      1 - OPENED - Loading data, send() method still wasn't called.
      2 - HEADERS_RECEIVED - Data loaded, send() method still wasn't called but the head responses were recieved.
      3 - LOADING - Modo interativo, the response is being recieved.
      4 - DONE - Operation completed. What was requested already got it's answer